Will Twitter now charge users to view tweets?


According to the most popular messaging website Twitter, it plans to impose subscription charges on accessing information from high profile accounts in the future.

baaghi TV: Foreign news agency AFP reports that Twitter has announced a possible ‘new super follow service’ during its annual investor meeting that deviates from advertising targets and seeks new ways to earn money. There is a step towards.

In this regard, a Twitter spokesperson said that through SuperFollowers, publishers and content creators can get direct user support and with this benefit, they will create better content.

A Twitter spokesman said they were also reviewing the benefits of their service and examining behaviors that encourage or discourage product features.

According to the explanation given during the presentation, Twitter users will be able to receive newsletters, special content and even virtual pages by financially supporting content creators through SuperFollow.

Carolina Milanese, an expert who attended the meeting, said she did not think the audience would agree to pay for exclusive content, a model that makes sense for content on platforms such as YouTube, but more on Twitter Have to consider

It should be noted that so far Twitter’s only source of revenue is advertising and promoted posts, but a new path will be opened through superfollows.

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