National Women’s cricket team to participate in Commonwealth Games 2022, PCB lauds achievement


Lahore, April 26, 2021: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has reportedly congratulated the National Women’s cricket team for their participation in the Commonwealth Games 2022. 

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According to reports, the PCB has complemented the women’s team for gaining access to the Commonwealth Games, among teams from eight other countries, to compete in the T20 event scheduled for Birmingham between 28th July to 8th August. It is set to be the first time that the women’s cricket team has managed to become a part of the Commonwealth Games.

The other six teams include Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, West Indies and the host, England, respectively. Meanwhile, the eight team is yet to be decided by the Commonwealth game qualifiers. Meanwhile, the national women’s cricket team has won the Asian games twice before.

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Chief Executive PCB, Wasim Khan has said that this participation will allow them the opportunity to play against some of the best teams in the world and will manage to attract more women to the field of cricket. Wasim Khan added that staying in the Sports Village will give the national women’s team the opportunity to meet with and learn from renowned athletes from other sports. Additionally, he claimed that the PCB will work on a comprehensive strategy for the upcoming event.

According to reports, Chief Executive PCB, Wasim Khan further congratulated the International Cricket Council (ICC) and the ICC Women’s Committee for their efforts concerning the Commonwealth Games.

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Meanwhile, Nida Dar, All-rounder National Women’s Cricket Team, has stated that it will be an honour to represent her country. Dar added that she is happy to showcase her talent while representing her country at the world renowned platform.

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