PALPA: Cause of degradation of professional standards and accidents in PIA

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful.
To begin with, look at the real data before crash of PK 8303. In the rows from left to right in the sequence, it’s time, altitude, rate of descend, and speed.
At 2450 feet, it shows a rate of descend (ROD) of 7520 ft. per min with indicted air speed of 256 knots, where actually and as per standard procedures the ill-fated aircraft should have been established on the final approach to land, which require reducing to approach speeds between 140-150 depending upon the aircraft weight, where rate of descend may not be more than 1500 ft. per min, but the rate of descend and speed of Pk 8303 at 2450 were extremely high even beyond the maximum ROD marking of the gauge, which was criminal.
[bs-quote quote=”PALPA has been evading testing of their pilots from highly qualified inspector of CAA Pakistan, which is the ICAO requirement of internationally recognized procedure to ensure high professional standards of the pilots.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Asim Nawaz” author_job=”Captain “][/bs-quote]
The classic vertical velocity gauge has the max ROD marking of 6000 feet, but computer record show ROD rate of descend of 7520 ft. per min. Only a pilot with disputed psychiatric evaluation, can chose to die and kill his passengers. PALPA has been evading testing of their pilots from highly qualified inspector of CAA Pakistan, which is the ICAO requirement of internationally recognized procedure to ensure high professional standards of the pilots. Such gross violation of CAA rules can be expected only a PALPA backed pilot with poor standards.
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There should be an immediate FIR U/Sec. 302 of Pakistan Penal Cade against two CAA Air traffic Controllers, who were performing their duty at Karachi Radar and Karachi control tower, who due to either their professional incompetence or perpetual pressures of PALPA failed to give executive command to P-I-C of PK 8303 to execute a Go-Around in time to re-establish for a proper stabilized approach for safe landing, where PALPA shall be an accomplice party to the killing of the innocent passenger, as PALPA has been involved to avoid regulatory testing of their pilots, who escape their testing by CAA Inspectors under the illegal pressure of PALPA.
[bs-quote quote=”It is moral binding and constitutional / regulatory duty of DG CAA Pakistan under the explicit Sec. 11 of CAA Ordinance 1960 to immediately order sealing of the PALPA building.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Asim Nawaz” author_job=”Captain”][/bs-quote]
Why, FIR registered against PALPA? Because it has been doing every illegality like; [political pressures and strikes to shut PIA flight operations and violation of CAA regulation of testing procedures of Pilots to back poor professionals for their ul6terior motives of their ultra vires prosper in Aviation of Pakistan, which resulted in killing of innocent passengers loss of costly flying machines due to their poor standards of pilot induction, training, testing, up-grade, promotions and career progression on the basis of nepotism, bribery and short cuts with the complete and deliberate disregards to merits.
It is moral binding and constitutional / regulatory duty of DG CAA Pakistan under the explicit Sec. 11 of CAA Ordinance 1960 to immediately order sealing of the PALPA building, take entire record in its custody, ban flying of PALPA Pilots, do their fresh psychiatric tests, investigate their flight check record for anomalies and irregularities committed in their testing procedures in violation of CAARs.
PK 8303 was flown in violation of CAA Rules 333, thus DG CAA Pakistan has the regulatory summary powers under CAA Rule. 334 to dispense justice, therefore DDG Regulatory with assistance from Dir. Of Flight Standards and GM. Licensing shall be assigned the responsibility to dig out all regulatory violations done under the illegal interference from PALPA, which is the cause of degradation of the professional standards of the pilots, which is the main cause of all accidents in PIA and nation shall be made aware of the facts, as it is their tax money, which is being pumped in for bail out of PIA failures due to illegitimate association like PALPA.
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Amazing! Very well written piece of fiction. I think you would give J.K Rowlings a run for her money. Kindly show some dignity and respect to the deceased. ATC’s under pressure from PALPA, CAA inspectors afraid of PALPA. What a load of lies. You sir and more than a dozen of your friends from PAF were fired from PIA, now you have the audacity to come up with such fabrications. People like you want multiple tenures, first in the government sector like PAF where you did flying with taxpayer money then you want to be placed in the civil sector in places like PIA. When will you guys be satisfied? Stop taking the jobs reserved for the youth of Pakistan