Allah knows when the Hour of Judgement will come: Allama Haqqani, Allama Mousavi

Allah knows when the Hour of Judgement will come; praying, giving alms, calling towards righteousness, and forbidding evil are the characteristics of a believer. Allama Haqqani and Allama Mousavi disscuss in ramadan transmission of Baaghi TV’s Rehmat Hee Rehmat, powered by Q-Mobile.

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According to reports, as the month of Ramadan passes, the process of interpreting and summarizing the passages of the Holy Quran is also moving forward. While discussing the seventeenth para of the Quran, Allama Haqqani and Allama Mousavi said that only Allah knows the time of the Hour of Judgement and that the characteristics of a true believer are praying, paying zakat, calling non-Muslims towards righteousness and forbidding evil deeds, respectively.

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Allama Haqqani said that the 17th para begins with Surah Al-Anbiya. Allah Almighty said, “The time of reckoning has come for the people, but the people are neglecting it.” Allah also explained the method of understanding religion, that if one does not know anything, then one should ask the scholars. It is also said that Allah did not create the heavens and the earth for sport. If he had to play a game, he could have done it any other way. Allah also said that He has given life to everything with water, and that He tests people by placing them in good and bad situations. If the situation is good then man should be thankful and if the situation is bad then man should be patient.

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Speaking on the occasion, Allama Haqqani said that it is stated in Surah Al-Anbiya that Allah Almighty will establish a balance of justice on the Day of Resurrection to weigh the deeds of human beings. There will be no injustice in this balance and whatever will be put in it will be man’s own doing. The story of Ibrahim (AS)’s youth is also mentioned when he said to his father and people, “What are these idols that you worship?” They said: “We find our fathers worshiping them.” Ibrahim (AS) said, “You and your father are in clear error.” They said, “Have you really brought us the truth, or are you just joking?” He said: “Your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created the heavens and the earth, and I bear witness that this is true.” Allama Haqqani further said that Ibrahim (AS)’s people were incensed at this call to Tawheed and said, “Burn Ibrahim and do it if you can help your gods.”

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Speaking on the occasion, he further said that, When the fire was kindled to burn Ibrahim (AS), he prayed: Hasbana Allah wa naam al-Wakeel (Allah is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs). Allah Almighty said, “O fire, be cool and safe upon Ibrahim.” Allah says, “If the people wanted to conspire against Ibrahim, We made them a great loser.”

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Allama Haqqani while speaking on the occasion said that, then Allah mentioned the rule of Hazrat Dawood (AS) and Sulaiman (AS) and the patience of Hazrat Ayub (AS) that he did not despair of Allah’s mercy despite his serious illness. Allah accepted Ayub (AS)’s prayer and removed all his problems. The incident of Hazrat Yunus (AS) is also mentioned that when he was suffering from grief, he prayed to the Lord of the worlds that there is no god but Allah. Allama Haqqani, referring to an incident, said that the decision of Hazrat Dawood (AS) after the complaint of one person, and then the decision of Hazrat Sulaiman (AS), also did perfect justice.

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Surah Al-Anbiya is followed by Surah Al-Hajj. At the beginning of which Allah Almighty has warned His servants (believers) of the horrors of the Hour, and said, “Indeed, the earthquake of the Hour is a great thing, because of this earthquake, the pregnancies of expecting mothers will be automatically aborted, lactating mothers will throw away their infants, and the people will appear intoxicated, while they will not be intoxicated, but the punishment of Allah will be severe.” Then Allah Almighty mentioned the battle of Badr in which the people of the same tribe clashed with each other and this war was fought not on the basis of race, color or region but on the basis of Monotheism or Tawheed.

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Speaking on the occasion, Allama Haqqani said that Allah Almighty has pointed out two groups, one is those who are clearly misguided and the other is those who are hesitant. When there is abundance, worldly gains are made, they keep on worshiping. But, as soon as a test comes, they turn their backs. Allah Almighty has instructed Muslims to stay separate from both.

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Speaking on the occasion, Allama Haqqani said that in this Surah, Allah Almighty has mentioned four attributes of perfect believers: When Allah Almighty is mentioned, their hearts tremble, they are patient in suffering, and they observe prayers. Do, and spend in good deeds. Also, it is stated that even if Allah gives them power in the land, they observe the prayers, pay Zakat, and enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.

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The Almighty made piety a condition for the acceptance of the sacrifice, saying that the flesh and blood of animals does not reach Allah, rather it is the piety of the man making the sacrifice that reaches Allah. Allah’s grip is very strong and He reaches even those who are hidden in closed towers. Allah also allowed jihad to those oppressed Muslims who were evicted from their homes without any crime or guilt, solely because of their monotheistic beliefs.

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In this surah, Allah refutes polytheism with an example, that the false deities that people call upon besides Allah, their helplessness is such that they cannot all come together and make even a single fly. And making a fly/bee is a thing of the past. If an insignificant creature like a bee snatches something from them, they can’t even take it back. Those who seek assistance from these idols are also weak and those who ask are also weak.

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In fact, they did not know the value of Allah Almighty, as they should have known. God knows the next and the last, the inner and the outter. “O you who believe! If you wish to prosper, then serve Allah and make obeisance to Him; And strive in the cause of Allah as He has the right, for Allah has chosen you to convey His message, and hold fast to Allah’s supporter and helper in arranging prayer and almsgiving.”

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May Allah Almighty help us to read, understand and follow the Quran in our daily lives, ameen.

Similarly, Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi, while talking about the important topics of the 17th para said that this para starts from Surah Al-Anbiya, in which, Allah Almighty has mentioned that the time of reckoning for the people has come, but the people are neglecting it. In this Surah, Allah Almighty also explained the method of understanding the religion that if one does not know anything, one should ask the scholars about it.

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Monotheism and the Day of Judgement are explained in great detail in the seventeenth para of the Holy Quran, discussed Allama Mousavi. It has been said that the Hour of Judgment and the Day of Reckoning is very near, but on that dreadful day, man will be in a trance. Also, the polytheists and their idols will be the fuel of Hell on the Day of Resurrection. Furthermore, in the context of Prophethood, seventeen Prophets (peace be upon them) are mentioned in the seventeenth para.

Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran and Allah is protecting it: Allama Haqqani, Allama Mousavi

Allama Mousavi said that, after narrating the stories of the previous prophets, it was told that Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (SAW), is a mercy for the religion and for all the worlds. He (SAW) conveyed the message of Allah (swt) to the people, but when people did not understand even after presenting all kinds of arguments, Muhammad (SAW) prayed to Allah.

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Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi, while talking about the important topics of the 17th para, said that in this para, the horrors of the Day of Judgment have been depicted in a shocking manner. The creation of man has also been described. In this passage, Allah mentions that Ibrahim (AS) strongly condemned the idolatry of his father Azar and his people. In addition to condemning idolatry, he also exposed the reality of the heavens to the people. Seeing the twinkling stars, the moon and the sun setting, Ibrahim (AS) declared that “I am free from the polytheism of the people and I turn my face towards the One who created the heavens and the earth and I am not one of the polytheists.”

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In this para, Allah Almighty commanded the Muslims that they should not insult the priests and the followers of religions and gods other than Allah Almighty, that they would insult Allah (swt) in return. In this para, Allah Almighty also mentions that He finds the eyes, but the eyes cannot see Him in this world. However, in Surah Al-Qiyamah, Allah Almighty mentions that after going to Paradise, one will also enjoy the blessings of seeing Allah Almighty. May Allah help us all to read, understand and follow the Quran, ameen sum-ameen.

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