Indian army martyred 2 more Kashmiris, thousands of Kashmiris protested


On Thursday, Indian army killed two Kashmiri youths during the so-called search operation in Sophapur area of ​​occupied Kashmir, on which thousands of protesters have severely protested.

According to our report, two Kashmiris were killed in search operation that started early in the district of Barhamulla. Indian forces say both the martyred have been involved in a clash and weapons and ammunitions have also been recovered from the place of counterfeit.

Local police say that martyred are being identified. Indian army says Indian forces launched a house raid operation in the district of Barhamulla this morning. During the search operation, hidden Kashmir Mujahidin fired on the forces of the army and in response, the forces also fired bullets and started counterfeit, which ended on the death of two Kashmiris.

In past few days, the Indian Army has killed a dozen Kashmiri people.

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