Lying and cheating for the sake of religion and national interest is not considered bad in our country : Hamza Ali Abbasi


Leading actor of Pakistan Showbiz Industry Hamza Ali Abbasi says that lying and cheating for the sake of religion and national interest is not considered bad in our country but it is proudly said that there is no evil in it.

Baaghi TV: Hamza Ali Abbasi tweeted on the social networking site Twitter that unfortunately we live in a world where lying and cheating for the sake of religion and national interest is not considered bad. It is proudly said that there is nothing wrong with lying and deceiving because we have told this lie for a good cause.


He wrote that now is the time for the sincere followers of the Prophet Muhammad to walk on the straight path and speak up for Islam.

Reacting to Hamza Ali Abbasi’s tweet, Maulana Tariq Jameel wrote that whoever you meet in your life is a part of your story. While some may take a chapter, others will not exceed more than a paragraph, and most are just margin notes. One day you will meet someone who will be so important in your life that you put their name in the title.

A user named Khalid wrote that Abu Bakr, Umar, etc., who were the real guardians of God and their testimony was that God was their guardian and brought them from His Messenger, never called themselves or anyone else their guardian in their devotion. Don’t play dust and shahnaani, nor tell stories of your miracles and hardships and needs.


One user wrote that life is a journey from God to God. He possesses all conditions and nothing is beyond his ability. Whoever turns to Allah, Allah will turn the hearts of the people to him and answer them. Remember, this worldly life is very short, so turn to Allah before you return to Him.

Earlier, Hamza Ali Abbasi had sent a special message to his Muslim fans on Twitter saying, “My Muslim brothers and sisters, give up all evil deeds and return to the Qur’an and Sunnah.”

Hamza Ali Abbasi wrote that leave all those who seduce you and encourage you to abuse, hate and do evil deeds, leave all this and start living life according to the way prescribed by Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

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