May 28 is the most memorable day in the history of Pakistan: Nawaz Sharif


Former Prime Minister and convicted in Al Azizia Steel Mill Reference Nawaz Sharif has said that May 28 is an unforgettable day and a very memorable day in the history of Pakistan, as on this  day Pakistan was made invincible.
Nawaz Sharif in his special message from Kot Lakhpat Jail Lahore on the occasion of Youm-e-Takbeer on Tuesday said that May 28 will be the most memorable day in the history of Pakistan.
This was the day 21 years ago, Pakistan emerged as a nuclear power in the  world .
He said Youm-e-Takbeer is the day Pakistan was made invincible.
Former PM said that those who go for aggression against Pakistan will meet a terrible doom.
He said we had not and will not compromise on people, supremacy, respect of vote and the socerinity of our beautiful country Pakistan.

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