PM AJK Pays Tribute to People of IIOJK for Unprecedented Struggle


MUZAFFARABAD, Feb 04 (APP): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan on Thursday said that the unprecedented solidarity with the Kashmiri people by the Pakistani and Kashmiri community across the globe is a tribute to the determination and valour of the people struggling for the achievement of their fundamental right to self determination.

In a statement to mark the solidarity with the people of Occupied Kashmir, the Prime Minister paid rich tributes to the people of occupied Kashmir for their firm resolve and commitment demonstrated against the brutal Indian forces in occupied Kashmir. He said the observance of the solidarity day will give a strong message to the people of occupied Kashmir that the whole Pakistani and Kashmiri nation are with them.

The Prime Minister said that the whole nation is standing with their Kashmiri brethren and added that in the wake of any aggression by India, the Pakistanis and Kashmiris will give a resolute response to the aggressor. The Prime Minister assured the people of occupied Kashmir that they are not alone in their struggle but the whole Pakistani Kashmir and the people of Gilgit Baltistan are with them in their hour of trial and tribulation.

He expressed the hope that the long night of terror and repression would soon end and the day will soon come when the people of occupied Kashmir and Azad Kashmir would jointly celebrate historical events.

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