Prominent Anchor Boycotts Coke Studio and Velo Sound Station


Lahore, 18th  December: Pakistan’s prominent anchor-journalist strongly lambasted the two music platforms of the country for not boycotting singer Meesha Shafi.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, Mubasher Lucman, the investigative journalist of Pakistan strongly condemned the music stations currently running on air.

His reaction comes after Coke Studio and Velo Sound Station didn’t stop playing the songs by the singer who has been proven guilty by the Federal Investigative Agency (FIA).

As reported by Baaghi TV earlier, FIA convicted singer Meesha Shafi and eight others of running a deviant campaign against singer Ali Zafar on social media, prompting the trial court to initiate proceedings against them.

Meesha Shafi, Ali Zafar Harassment case: FIA finds Meesha Shafi guilty

Ms Shafi appeared in front of the FIA ​​Cyber ​​Crime Wing in December 2019 with her team of lawyers, the FIA ​​said. However, they have failed to produce any witnesses in support of their allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Zafar.

Zafar’s defamation suit against Ms Shafi is also pending in the Sessions Court.

Senior anchorperson Mubasher Lucman released a video on his YouTube channel on Friday, condemning Meesha Shahi and her lawyer, Nighat Dad.

Meesha’s lawyer, Miss Dad has also been found involved in operating an illegal NGO by the name of ‘Digital Rights Organization’, reported by Baaghi TV yesterday.

Meesha Shafi’s Lawyer Caught Operating An Illegal NGO

Mubasher Lucman, in his latest video, exposes the mafia that has misused the ‘MeToo’ movement against Ali Zafar.

Click the link below to watch the video on Mubasher Lucman Official YouTube channel:

Lucman notifies that earlier when Meesha Shafi launched a sexual harassment campaign against Ali Zafar, many brands, including Coke Studio, boycotted him.

For Baaghi TV’s detailed coverage of the Meesha Shafi, Ali Zafar case click here.

However, now the question stands for Coke Studio and Velo Sound Station, after the challan filed in the ​​court and the conviction of Meesha Shafi by FIA, will you leave her and remove her songs? Will you stop promoting her?

Mubasher Lucman strongly puts forth his point to boycott both the Coke Studio and Velo Sound Station unless they remove Meesha’s songs and end their contract with the conniving singer.

He wants everyone on social media to initiate a trend to expose such scandalous characters, which are a disgrace to society.

Keep reading news on Baaghi TV for all the details!

Meesha Shafi, Ali Zafar Harassment Case: Prosecution team approves challan against Meesha Shafi & others


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