Senior Chinese diplomat urges India and Pakistan to avoid unilateral actions


Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said, China is gravely concerned with the situation unfolding in Kashmir following the abrogation of Article 370 of Indian constitution by the Modi administration after his meeting with Pakistani counter part Qureshi on Friday.

According to reports of Baaghitv, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi, following meeting with Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, said China is gravely concerned with the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir after the unilateral decision of Indian administration to change the status of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), following the revocation of Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian constitution which has stripped the Kashmir of its special status.

Wang Yi said China would continue to support Pakistan to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and urged India, Pakistan to avoid any unilateral actions and resolve their issues through dialogue for a peaceful co-existence.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi reached Beijing to apprise Chinese leadership of Pakistan’s concerns at the unilateral decision of Indian administration to change the special status of Indian occupied Kashmir through unconstitutional means and aggression shown by Indian security forces in the Indian occupied Kashmir..

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