Shafqat Mahmood condemns fake images and videos of examination halls


Lahore, 26th April: Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mehmood has refuted the news about violation of coronavirus SOPs during the Cambridge exams at the centers.

Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood slammed the fake news regarding the pictures and videos of examination halls, showing violations of safety measures.

The minister pointed out that such stunts are only for ‘cheap publicity.’

He lashed out at social media users and said, “Some nobodies who have jumped into this situation for cheap publicity are going so far as to distribute fake pictures of examination halls.”

He added, “Their attempt to spread confusion has failed and will continue to fail because they are not interested in students but self-projection.

Earlier in the day, Shafqat Mahmood shared several images of the exam venues where SOPs were being implemented successfully.

It is to be noted that as per the government directive the Cambridge’s CAIE examinations have started from today i.e Monday with strict coronavirus SOPs in place across the country.

However, Baaghi TV reported earlier that the students have raised their voice on social media against the government’s decision to conduct exams amid the ongoing pandemic wave.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news!

Students raise their voice for violation of SOPs during Cambridge exams



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