UAE and Bahrain sign an Accord with Israel


16th September 2020: The foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain have signed historic diplomatic normalization deals with Israel at a ceremony at the White House.

US President Donald Trump overlooked the accord that was signed by the Emirati foreign minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Bahrain’s foreign minister Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayan with the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

After Jordan and Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are the first Arab countries to recognize the Jewish state of Israel as a nation.

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This accord will help these counties set us embassies, open trade, and tourism with one another as well as aiding the development in better political relations.

Israel will also be selling fighter jets to the UAE and Bahrain after this agreement.

Similarly, the accord will also help the countries stand up against their common enemy, Iran.

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The Abraham Accords, as they have been named, are framed by the Trump administration as a “pathway to peace” for the region and proof of Mr Trump’s credentials as a deal maker.

Donald Trump believes that soon other Arab nations will also follow the steps of the UAE and Bahrain and sign an accord with the Jewish nation, Israel.

Speaking from the White House balcony, he said: “We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history. We’ll have at least five or six countries coming along very quickly.”

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Another Gulf State, the US’s close ally, Saudi Arabia, would sign a deal “at the right time,” he said.

Trump wanted to get the deals signed before the November elections hence he got it done so quickly. However, this is also a reason why most of the details of the alliances still have to be finalized.

It is known that The UAE and Bahrain agreed to recognize Israel after Israel confirmed that they will not annex any more parts of the Palestinian West Bank.

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The Palestinians thought that the UAE and Bahrain have betrayed then but both nations assured them that they were still standing with the Arab Peace Accord of 2002 where they stated that they will only recognize Israel as a state when they let Jeruselum be its capital.

Mr Al-Zayani said: “Today is a truly historic occasion. A moment for hope and opportunity,” he said.

Sheikh Abdullah said: “We are already witnessing a change in the heart of the Middle East, a change that will send hope around the world. “We are witnessing today a new trend that will create a better path for the Middle East.”

This is not peace, this is surrender in return for the continuation of the aggression,” read a tweet posted on the Twitter account of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. “There will be no peace before Palestine is free.”

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