What are some interesting working ideas for Women?

What-are-some-interesting-working-ideas-for-Women #Baaghi

Women are becoming increasingly independent and financially strong with every passing day yet there are many who still feel inadequate and/or out of place when it comes to supporting their families by stepping outside of the house.

This article deals with ideas that women can use for working from home!

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Baaghi TV aims to bring interesting and constructive work ideas that women can use in their daily lives, to ensure a sense of personal and financial security for not only themselves but also for their families, without having to leave their homes.

Writing / Blogging:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Scripted [https://www.scripted.com/]

If you have a knack for writing and/or editing, this is something you can manage from home. Either by starting your own blog/website or by contributing your skills to pre-existing websites. These days, social networking sites, such as Twitter,  Facebook, and Instagram allow the freedom to exercise one’s creative outlets in a number of ways, writing is one of them.

Women can easily make a free account on these sites to promote and market their blogs and websites. Although the process is somewhat slow and tedious, with time and persistent effort, mountains of progress can be moved.

Some examples of writing which can be done from one’s home include the following:

  • Blogging
  • Short-stories or poems
  • Electronic books / E-Books
  • Fanfiction

You only need to work out your interests and focus on those, whether you want to write fiction or non-fiction, self-help books, or inspiring everyday stories of people from your community. The idea pool is dauntingly infinite to pick from.


Ghost Writing / Freelancing:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Online Writings Job Blog [https://online-writing-jobs.com/]

This is a similar idea to the above, however, ghostwriting is different as it is any form of content writing that you may do for an organization and/or private clients such as students, in which you do not have ownership or claim to the writing itself.

This form of writing may include coming up with articles, essays, and other write-ups for blogs and news websites et cetera without any credit to yourself. This may also include making assignments and other projects at a negotiated price for the client who may contact you through your social media page(s).

Similar to the above, women can easily make a free account to promote and market their work. Some examples of writing which can be done from one’s home include the following:

  • Blogging
  • Short-stories or poems
  • Electronic books / E-Books
  • Fanfiction
  • Documentary Writing
  • Student Assignments / Projects

You need only work out your interests and focus on those. Based on your existing skillset, the idea pool is dauntingly infinite to pick from.

The options are limitless, but the long-term benefit of this may be honing ones existing skills while learning new techniques and contributing towards gaining financial independence.


Interior Designing:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Today Kos [http://www.todaykos.com/]

Although interior designing requires a very particular skill set and a certain knack for bringing together color concepts, it is something women can usually easily accomplish. This may include coming up with outlook overhaul ideas or simply providing appropriate rate lists to help the client. Again, this may be done for organizations and/or privately approaching clients.

Some examples of designing which can be done from one’s home include the following:

  • Blogging
  • Vlogging the process
  • Renovation ideas
  • Low-budget overhauls
  • Providing price charts
  • Helping in merging of colors and/or ideas
  • Private and/or home-based consultations with clients

The benefits of this can be improving one’s existing skillset as well as learning new techniques and gaining some semblance of financial independence.


Designing / Boutique:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Sintelli [https://www.xdknitmachinery.com/]

You may go for a full-on approach by starting your own home-based boutique or you may just provide facilities of stitching and/or knitting for your clients based on custom orders.

Some examples for women interested in starting their own home-based business which can include:

  • Stitching / Knitting
  • Dress designing
  • Providing unstitched material / fabric
  • Bedding


Event Planning:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: 3 Diamonds Events [http://3diamondsevents.com/]

This is another business initiative that can be done by women from the confines of their homes. While, you may need to enlist the male members of your family for the physical, outdoor labor that may be required as you pull the strings from your home with the help of an up-to-date computer system. The planning process can easily be managed by women from the confines of their homes.


YouTube Vlogging:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Life and Experience [https://www.lifeandexperiences.com/]

These days, YouTubers are also considered influencers and bloggers. They manage to utilize this video-sharing software to advocate their content and other ideas. Although not as beneficial due to COVID-19 affecting businesses big and small alike, it is still a viable option for women seeking to work from home and can be managed on the side to promote any of the other endeavors mentioned in this list.

Some examples for women interested in starting their own channel on YouTube can include:

  • Cooking channel
  • DIY and/or Crafting channel
  • Artwork channel
  • Motivational Channel
  • Fitness Channel
  • Beauty & Make-up Channel

What you choose to do depends on your interests and skills, however, the plus side to YouTube vlogging is flexible hours and better benefits linked with the consistency of work.


Painting / Crafting:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Business Insider []https://www.businessinsider.com/

Another interesting idea for women can be, to make paintings and or other crafts for online sale, locally as well as internationally. This may include jewelry making as well.

  • Jewelry making
  • Giftshop ideas
  • Crafts
  • Paintings
  • Other Artwork
  • Decorate mirror frames

The options are endless when it comes to crafts. Women can flourish in this form of business based on their skill set and/or interest.


Entrepreneurship / Marketing of Business:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Entrepreneur Asia Pacific [https://www.entrepreneur.com/]

Similar to the above options, women only need a good phone and/or laptop to manage their home-based businesses and access to a stable and reliable internet connection. Having access to these can make one’s job far easier. Flexible hours and dedication can make one’s entrepreneurial project soar.

Some ideas for home-based businesses that women can easily do may include:

  • Cooking/Baking
  • Jewelry Making
  • Candle Making
  • Crafts
  • DIY
  • Online Consultations
  • Online Tuition

An essential consideration for this type is to choose depending on your interests and skills, however, the plus side is flexible hours and better benefits linked with the consistency of work and networking power.

Beauty Consultation with Oriflame:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Oriflame, Pakistan [https://www.linkedin.com/].

While this is similar to YouTube Vlogging and Entrepreneurship, the benefits of registering as a beauty consultant with Oriflame allow many opportunities for the consultant. Not only do you get great offers such as discounts and amazing packages, the greatest benefits include working from home. Oriflame Pakistan even offers online consultations and training to its new recruits. The more effort you put in, the better the benefits you reap.

For more information on this, you can connect with TSE! who are registered beauty consultants with Oriflame Pakistan.


Home based Salon & Spa:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Cosmetics Pakistan [https://cosmetics.pk/].

You can start your own home-based salon and spa on an appointment basis. Not only will you have the opportunity to hone your existing skillset, but you can also provide economically marketed packages to clients who don’t feel comfortable going to the parlor. The greatest benefit is having clients visit by word of mouth, ensuring the opportunity to maintain standards of hygiene and quality.


Graphic Designing:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Desingrflix [https://designrfix.com/].

If you have a knack for graphic designing you can use your abilities to help out startups and other businesses without having to leave your home. Graphic designing opportunities can be endless. Some possible specifics may include:

  • Website designing
  • Business Profiling such as designing a business logo, business cards, and other
  • Cards/Crafts
  • Mug/Keychain printing
  • T-Shirt designing
  • Poster making

You may or may not branch into designing custom gift baskets and/or wedding/invitation cards and others based on your resources and interests while also maintaining your targetted clientele.

Cooking / Baking: 

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Nutreats [https://www.nutreats.co.za/].

You can start your own venture of delivering lunchboxes to offices and/or home spaces. This may vary from cooking to baking complete meals or serving ready-to-cook food kits, such as frozen products.

Again, depending on one’s resources and interests, this can prove to be a successful venture for women hoping to work from home.


After-School Classes / Academic Support:

What are some interesting working ideas for Women? | Baaghi TV

Image credit: Community Christian College [https://www.ccsstrasburg.com/].

Tuition is another good way to earn some money. You can get your clientele through networking at family events or even in gatherings within your social circles. The benefit of this is that the students come to you instead of the other way around.

The good thing about these ideas is that since you are your own boss, you can set your work schedule yourself, factoring in your personal life and other responsibilities. It is always best to take the weekend off so you focus on your work to the maximum during the weekdays and have two days to rejuvenate and come up with better ideas for the coming week.

REMEMBER: No matter what you choose to do, be consistent in your endeavors. Never give up on your dreams, and put your all, into your work for a fruitful income!


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