Pakistan responds to Blinken on Afghan Taliban Government

Pakistan responds to Blinken on Afghan Taliban Government

In response to United States (US) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Pakistani Foreign Office says, “There is no pressure on Pakistan to recognize the Taliban government”, they added; “We do not take any pressure. And we will make independent decisions based on our interests.”

According to details, the State Department responded to questions from the US lawmakers and Anthony Blinken, about recent remarks on Afghanistan at a recent congressional hearing, and said:

“These comments are inconsistent with the close cooperation between Pakistan and the United States. This was surprising because Pakistan’s positive role in the Afghan peace process, its support for multinational withdrawal efforts from Afghanistan and its continued support for a comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan were formally recognized. “

According to the statement, a similar statement was made by the US State Department spokesman in his September 15 briefing. The statement reminded that “Pakistan has been instrumental in helping the United States defeat al-Qaeda’s central leadership in Afghanistan, which was the primary goal of the international coalition.”

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It was added, “Pakistan has always said that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and that a political settlement is the only viable way to lasting peace in Afghanistan.”

In Blinken’s words: “The world, including Pakistan, will not recognize the Taliban government unless they meet the set criteria.”

During the Afghan war, the United States had been on the battlefield with its allies for almost twenty years. According to official figures, the country spent 300 million a day in Afghanistan.

The first decade of the war was spent in the US political and military chambers debating what the purpose of this war would be and what the United States wants to achieve from this. During the entirety of the war, Pakistan was the topic of discussion in almost all political and security meetings. Sometimes as an ally and sometimes as the center of accusations by the US and Afghan government that it is harboring the Taliban or that al-Qaeda leaders and members are hiding in Pakistan.

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Pakistan has always denied allegations of aiding the Taliban in any form, since we know how destructive terrorist organizations have been in the country itself.

Now, once again, there is an opportunity for the United States to discuss policy towards Pakistan. In a recent congressional hearing on the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said, “The United States would review its relations with Pakistan in the coming weeks.” He continued, “The review would be based on what Washington wants Pakistan to do in Afghanistan.”

Blinken also told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that Pakistan has multifaceted interests, some of which are in conflict with us. Pointing to Pakistan, he said, “This is what is involved in constantly betting on the future of Afghanistan. This is what is harboring members of the Taliban.”

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But he also said that Pakistan’s ally was one of the various points of cooperation with us on counter-terrorism.

He continued to stress on the statement that, “No country in the world, including Pakistan, will recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan unless they meet the criteria that have been agreed upon with them.

The Afghan territory is protected from being used against other countries, especially the United States, to protect basic human rights, especially the rights of women and minorities, and to establish a comprehensive government in Afghanistan that includes representation from all quarters.”

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It should be noted that Pakistan has repeatedly called on the international community to work with the Taliban, although the Foreign Office has stated that no decision has yet been made on recognizing the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Taken and the situation is being monitored.

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