PIA successfully manage to bring 1735 passengers back home

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Geo News has recently made claims against Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) despite the dedicated effort the national airline is making.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, the claims made by them against PIA are ill-placed. The facts they have based their news on, are inaccurate, and damaging to Pakistan’s image, nationally as well as internationally.

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has successfully managed to bring back home 1735 passengers stuck in different parts of the world due to COVID-19 induced global lockdown.

According to PIA spokesman, 21 different relief flights were flown to Central Asia, Far East, Middle East and Canada. These flights also included destinations where PIA does not have a regular flight operation.

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According to reports, special flight permission was sought in minimum possible time, for the convenience of Pakistani passengers.

It is to be noted that a report was published on PIA’s special flight scheduled for the 9th of April between London and Islamabad, set to bring back Pakistani citizens stranded abroad.

The report said that ‘special arrangements were made for the April 9 flight because three family members of a government minister and other “dignitaries” were stranded in London and needed to return at any cost.’

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However, the media house made a blunder by arguing that the flight crew focused on bringing back only the eight VIPs, reportedly related to a powerful Federal Minister. They argued that the PIA flight crew ignored the plight of nearly four hundred Pakistanis with no special connections of VIP significance, for those extraordinary group of passengers.

While, they were not wrong about the flight schedule and other details, perhaps Geo News Network should focus on reporting facts with accuracy rather than to manipulate the facts given the circumstances when the global community is attempting to exercise positive thinking during quarantine to help combat the spread of COVID-19.

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All these allegations against PIA are false as I was personally an eye-witness in the entire incident. While traveling on that specific fight, no such ‘special arrangements’ were made as written in the report.

As per the reports of Baaghi TV, the total number of Pakistanis stranded is over 40,000, with the bulk in Middle Eastern countries, as per the data collected by the Foreign Office.

Upon disembarkation, pilots, cabin crew and passengers are quarantined for a minimum seven days. The quarantine, if necessary, can be extended to 14 days. Which makes it very clear that with a limited pilots and fleet size, back to back flights are not possible in current situation.

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PIA has also rented out rest houses and a hotel in Karachi and changed them to quarantine centers for their pilots and cabin crew. Moreover, they have also specified 34-rooms block as a quarantine center and handed it over to National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

The national flag bearer has successfully managed to bring back home 1735 passengers stuck in different parts of the world due to COVID-19 induced global lockdown.

Baaghi TV urges you to play your part as a responsible citizen by staying at home to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the community.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for the latest news and updates!

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