PM Imran Khan: Pakistan is not Taliban spokesperson and is not responsible for the group

Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan warns of ‘civil war’ in Afghanistan

July 29, 2021: On Thursday, PM Imran Khan said that Pakistan was neither “responsible” for the Taliban’s actions nor was the country a spokesman for the group.

Speaking to a group of Afghan journalists in Islamabad, PM Imran Khan said, “We have nothing to do with what the Taliban are doing, nor are we responsible for the Taliban and neither are we their spokespersons. ”

He reiterated that Islamabad only wants peace in Afghanistan. When asked about India, the Prime Minister said that Pakistan would not accept Indian involvement in the Afghan peace process until New Delhi reversed its illegal decisions on August 5, 2019.

“Pakistan has always wanted peace with India, but it was India that did not want peace because it was under the influence of RSS ideology at the time,” he said.

PM Imran Khan said Pakistan was ready and willing to do whatever was necessary for a peaceful settlement of the ongoing Afghan conflict, but he refused to use force against the Taliban. “We believe that Afghanistan cannot be controlled from the outside. Our policy is to have the best relations with the people of Afghanistan, whatever they choose.”

Prime Minister Imran added that it was unfortunate that Pakistan was being blamed for the Afghan crisis because it was Pakistan that persuaded the Taliban to come to the negotiating table.

He added that the civil war would spread to Pakistan’s tribal areas, adding that at least 70,000 Pakistanis had been killed before the country took part in the US-led war on terror.

Regarding the provision of military bases to the United States in Pakistan, PM Imran Khan asked what the United States could hope to gain from working inside Pakistan that it had not been able to achieve by operating in Afghanistan for two decades.

Referring to the US military adventure in Vietnam, PM Imran Khan said a similar situation arose there during the conflict.

“They blamed Cambodia after their loss and then the US destabilised it by bombing the country. It still did not make any difference,” he added.

Regarding the alleged abduction of the Afghan ambassador’s daughter, PM Imran Khan said a detailed mapping of the route had been carried out by the ambassador’s daughter.

“Unfortunately, the ambassador’s daughter’s account does not say where she was taken or beaten. We have analyzed the footage and the police have also questioned the three taxi drivers.” He said she could be seen sitting perfectly when she said he had been beaten.

“We cannot question the ambassador or his daughter because the ambassador and his family have returned to Afghanistan, but the footage will be handed over to the Afghan delegation so that they can asked,” he added.

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PM Imran Khan: Pakistan willing to do anything necessary for Afghan peace

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