Tag: #MianHaroonMasood
Muhammad Rafiq Tarar: Paying homage to a man of substance
Tarar sahib leaves for his heavenly abode finally. Our relationship with the deceased spans over 60 years. He remained a good friend ...There are never two sets of law: Neither for those within the profession nor those ...
Capital Development Authority just pummeled the illegal construction of certain chambers that have been a source of irritation for the longest period ...A Man of all Seasons
Not duplicitious like many very irenic in his political attitudes. That is why Ch. Shujaat is now being considered as some body ...Local bodies elections, in relation to present change
The local bodies play a key role in translating the vision of any democratically elected true government into reality. This means transfer ...Shattered Dreams
Motorways are thought to be the best and secure means of communication in changing modern civilizations. With change in world dynamics, motorways ...It is strange that ‘Sword’ & ‘Words’ are spelled similarly, they even have the same ...
My views about Rafia Arshad who has just been appointed a judge in Britain; the first Hijab wearing judge. The news flashed ...It seems we are scrambling from fire to fire: Mian Haroon Masood
"From combating COVID-19 to the ill fated plane crash, and dimmed propsects of Eid, it seems we are scrambling from fire to ...Delay defeats equity
Saudi Arabia once again wins the heart of the million many. We hear that the ship loads of aid have arrived from our brotherly ...Open letter to all elected representatives and the district head of Gujrat
AOA. I hope all is well? We appreciate your tireless efforts in trying to bring calm and peace to your District. This ...State & Community: Combating COVID-19 through pragmatism
[bs-quote quote=”You must look at facts, because they look at you.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote] ...