US President Biden signs 17 executive orders on first day?


Washington: US President-elect Joe Biden has assumed his responsibilities at the presidency and signed 17 executive orders. As soon as he took office, Biden ordered the withdrawal of several Trump-era decisions, including a bill to lift immigration bans on citizens of some Muslim-majority countries, according to a foreign news agency.

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The executive orders that Biden signed include instructions for federal employees to wear masks during office hours, as well as instructions on overcoming the corona virus crisis. Joe Biden also signed an executive order to return to the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change and rejoin the World Health Organization. The US president’s orders will protect young immigrants and stop the construction of a wall on the Mexican border.

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Biden said time could not be wasted on issuing new instructions and that was just the beginning. White House Press Secretary Jane Sackie said in a media briefing that President Biden issued the first order to deal with the corona virus, while issuing several orders to end the Trump administration’s controversial policies. The president has called for diplomacy to address Iran’s nuclear program and other concerns because, we want Iran to rejoin the nuclear deal. The US president and vice president took over the Twitter account as soon as they took office. In his first tweet, Biden said he was “ready to do four things immediately, including ending the Corona epidemic, providing economic relief to the people, tackling climate change and promoting racial equality.”

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Kamala Harris said in her first tweet that she is ready to serve. Meanwhile, Biden has been presented with a 22-kg suitcase with the powers of the president of the world’s only superpower, which contains secret codes controlling US nuclear weapons. The suitcase is always close to the US president, and the outgoing president usually presents the suitcase to the incoming president in his presence, but since Trump does not recognize Biden’s victory and instead, he moved to Florida, so the transfer of the suitcase became a problem.

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However, U.S. officials have developed a formula for dealing with a situation in which President Trump’s nuclear football and its codes were automatically defused at 11:59 a.m. on January 20, so President Biden was required by protocol. At 12 o’clock a new nuclear football and biscuit were provided.

In addition, the Democrats dominated the Senate. According to media reports, two more members from Georgia and California were sworn in yesterday, after which Democrats won a majority in the Senate for the first time in ten years. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed Joe Biden’s return to the environmental agreement and rejoined the World Health Organization, saying “I urge him to come up with an effective plan to combat global warming.” Pope Francis wished good luck to President Joe Biden and urged him to promote reconciliation and peace around the world and to uphold the rights of the people and their dignity.

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German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, French President McGuinness, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Indian Prime Minister Modi, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Soga and other heads of state congratulated Joe Biden on assuming the presidency.

US experts say Trump’s policies will continue in South Asia and the Middle East, and the Biden administration will not give China a free hand. But it will not confront it unnecessarily. Trump’s policies on India and Pakistan will continue to have some effect. In the current situation, India will not be ignored at all, but its goals will be achieved by putting it in front of China.

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