Judicial reforms, a necessity in Pakistan!

Judicial-reforms,-a-necessity-in-Pakistan! #Baaghi

This fact has become quite clear that the poor and middle-class people of Pakistan have been kept devoid of their basic rights. Employment, education, medical facilities, and justice have been key factors that this nation kept on charitably choosing people to sit on the throne and rule over Pakistan. But during all these periods the Pakistani nation only got frauds and false consolations from these ruling elites. This is the main reason that even after 73 years of independence Pakistan is still far away from the glory and prosperity it deserves.

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The main reason for this failure in my eyes is, forgetting about the eternal life after death and not having the fear of everlasting life after this worldly life. It seems like our political and religious parties and our judicial system is unaware of the fact that all of us will be answerable
to God one day for all our wrongdoings and good deeds. Until and unless our ruling elite develops this fear of being answerable before Allah, like our great caliph Hazrat Umar bin Khattab, we cannot achieve our goals of prosperity and glory.

Unfortunately, our politicians lie so deliberately and so often that they themselves forget what lie they told us yesterday. They have made this nation so much used to lying that now the louder the lie is told, the more it gets noticed and becomes more acceptable.

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Today all our system is standing on a pile of lies. The government, opposition, accountability, NAB, and unfortunately even the justice system is mocking us by working on the system of falsified witnesses and proofs. The countries where the justice system has such flaws cannot get any justice for their people. Unfortunately, corrupt and powerful politicians and elites have made this judicial system a joke for the poor people of Pakistan where no poor and ordinary people can get any kind of justice for themselves, and now no one trusts this judicial system anymore.

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With due respect, has this judicial system set up any examples? So that we can trust that our innocent citizens will not be brutally murdered by scam police operations? Any significant example where our little innocent children got any justice after being painfully and brutally raped and/or murdered? Any example of the reduction in the crime rate? Any example or sentence to reduce the menace of corruption from our society? Our judicial system has failed in providing justice and making any good examples of justice being served to the common people.

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There is already a big question mark on the performance of our judiciary. According to the world justice report, Pakistan is on number 120 among the total of 128 countries, and in South Asia, we are at number five among a total of six members.

There’s a different set of justice for the powerful elite class and politicians and a totally different system for the common, poor, or middle-class people. It seems like our honorable courts and judges are unaware of the conditions of our civil courts. Even the mainstream media is unable to raise their voices in this regard. Imran Khan’s government had the manifesto of bringing up, political, disciplinary, legal, and economic reforms in the country. Police reforms were also a part of it, but unfortunately, they are unable to bring any significant reforms and make any laws due to the lack of numerical superiority.

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We request the honorable Prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan and the chief justice of the supreme court, to have a look at the civil courts and bring proper and necessary reforms in them so that a poor Pakistani can get some justice there. People are dying there trying to find some justice for themselves, but justice is thousands of miles away from them. And on the other hand, there is a dire need for proper and authentic reforms in our overall judicial system so that justice can be served properly and to all. Where even our politicians and military Generals can be held accountable for their deeds.

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This write-up has been contributed by Samina Akhlaq and can be reached on Twitter, @SmPTI31

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