A way to Circular Economy from dumpsites

A-way-to-Circular-Economy-from-dumpsites #Baaghi

The environmental situation is getting worse to worst with each passing day. Environmental challenges are becoming more fearsome. It seems like that (as per the stats and researches) soon the world will not be livable. It is indispensable to create awareness to protect our environment for the coming generations and to overcome environmental challenges.

We should leave a better world for the next generation or at least the same. Waste management is real now. A few years it could be ignored but now ignoring it will cause real problems.

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Today, in the year 2021, our planet Earth is running out of its natural resources, at a rate that is much faster than we once expected. In this article, we will try to understand what is leading the Earth to exhaustion and discuss what can be done to overcome this global challenge. We are also going to learn what the governments are doing to address the concerns and what can an individual do in this regard – But before that let us understand what the term ‘Zero Waste’ means because it is what converts trash into the circular economy.

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Zero Waste:

The simplest way to define Zero Waste would be: ‘Nothing being dumped to landfill’. What might make it sound controversial is the process that one must follow to ensure Zero Waste. Some people argue that you can’t achieve Zero Waste in your life without making big compromises, but that is not how it works. Living a Zero Waste life doesn’t require big compromises.

It is believed that the term was first used in the 1970s by a man named Paul Palmer who was an industrialist. Paul gave the Zero Waste solution as he started to sell chemicals to the scientists and other relevant companies instead of wasting them. Hence it turned into something we can define as ‘from dumpsites to the circular economy.

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What is leading the Earth to exhaustion?

The thought that the increasing population is the reason behind the planet’s exhaustion is not enough to justify the entire problem. It is about our demand and dependence on natural resources. People are buying more unnecessary stuff than ever and that stuff is mostly thrown away just after a few days of the purchase, let us go back to the times of the great depression in the US. It was the time when people didn’t even buy extra clothes and didn’t bother throwing the purchased food even after it was expired. Maybe it was because of the fact that people believed in low consumption back then. However today we are facing another challenge that is the compromised quality of products being manufactured. For instance; a company that makes a mobile phone today, intentionally makes it difficult to repair, as the result, they get more sales, while the planet keeps losing its resources. But these are only a few reasons while the list doesn’t end here.

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Governments’ Role:

Governments can play a vital role in this regard and fortunately from all around the globe, along with the UN and international organizations have started to make significant efforts to reduce carbon levels and the world’s dependency on Earth’s natural resources by promoting recycling at larger scales and it is very important for all the governments to come forward because this challenge is faced all around the globe. It affects everybody, everywhere in the world. Even if that doesn’t directly address the idea of living a ‘Zero Waste Life’ but yet we understand that these issues are interconnected and hope that world will further proceed to counter climate change.

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Now let’s discuss how we can save the planet by becoming a part of the Zero Waste community? Becoming a part of the Zero Waste Community doesn’t require you to make big compromises in your daily life and it is even simpler when you are in your initial phase. First off, you should stop buying unnecessary products from the market, especially those which are made of plastic or can emit carbon. When you go to the grocery store, you decide to avoid using a plastic bag and take your stuff back home in a paper bag. You can take your own paper bag to the store in case they don’t have one. You may also want to use a recycle bin rather than the traditional trash can as you are now a part of the Zero Waste Community. In this way, you can also play a vital role in countering climate change.

Over time, you will find yourself encouraging others to join the zero-waste community.

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