Overthinking: Causes, effects, and solutions
Thinking is something we human beings take as a blessing that distinguishes us from the rest of the creatures on planet earth. We are able to think before any action or decision which makes us go easier with life but some people naturally possess certain profound emotional traits which lead them to do overthinking. It is the point where this very blessing becomes problematic.
Unfortunately, the majority of our youth is suffering from the problem of overthinking. Overthinking is leading them into more problems and they are wasting the most beautiful and productive years of their lives and this is the very reason why it is important to address this issue.
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In simple words, we can define overthinking as “excessive thinking or remembering the past events with regrets to do better”. Usually, it is about the negative or sorrowful events and the person gets stuck in an endless loop of thinking.
Psychology says over-thinking is addictive and in no time, it becomes a constant state of mind. The person imagines the situations, problems, and consequences and it just goes on and on as I said earlier it is an endless loop of thinking.
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According to psychologists two of the common causes of overthinking are:
• Passive behavior learned from over-controlling parents
Children, who learn passive behavior from their parents, often go on to develop a habit of overthinking.
• Stressful, traumatic, negative events from the past life
Stressful events can trigger or worsen overthinking. In one study, many of the people who went through stressful situations as divorce and serious illness went on to develop overthinking.
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Thinking too much can take a serious toll on your well-being. It is of utmost importance for the people to know that what are the damages and wreckages of overthinking. If you overthink habitually, it can wreck your body and mind in many ways.
Overthinking can’t be categorized as mental illness but it surely leads to many types of mental illness and psychological troubles.
Some of the problems which may be caused due to overthinking are;
Anxiety: They are always anxious because they are unable to reach any final point where their thoughts can stop and they can take action.
Depression: overthinking promotes negative thinking. The overthinkers tend to focus more on the negative memories of their past.
Fear: They may reach a point where they start to dread meeting anyone. This can grow into severe cases of social phobia.
Stress: Stress is a close companion of overthinkers.
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Fatigue: over thinker’s mind works non-stop on which causes their minds to be drained of energy. Soon, this effect shows up in their bodies too.
Indecision: The overthinkers find it hard to find great or even good solutions to their problems. Even when they conceive a potentially useful solution, they’re not confident it would actually work.
Loneliness: They are likely to stay in isolation and suffer loneliness, as they shun most social interactions.
Sleeplessness: They find it extremely hard to shut out their thought loops and go to sleep. Overthinking keeps their mind and body in a state of arousal, not calmness, so they can’t sleep. They fall asleep only when their brains are too tired to take another minute of wakefulness.
Suicide risk: They are harshly self-critical, and tend to have low willpower. These, together with their social phobia and social isolation, increase their risk of suicide attempts.
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Problem Solving: Overthinking reduces motivation to solve problems. It sows a seed of disappointment in the person and takes away all of his hopes.
So, challenge yourself to find ways to solve the issue at hand.
Overanalyzing everything interferes with problem-solving. It will cause you to dwell on the problem rather than look for solutions.
Even simple decisions, like choosing what to wear to an interview or deciding where to go on vacation, can feel like a life-or-death decision when you’re an overthinker. Ironically, all that thinking won’t help you make a better choice.
It disturbs your sleep:
If you’re an overthinker, you likely already know you can’t sleep when your mind won’t shut off.
Overthinking impairs the quality of sleep. You’ll be less likely to fall into a deep slumber after you’ve been thinking about the same thing over and over again.
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There are some scientifically proven, highly effective methods to help stop overthinking. They are;
1. Distraction:
The first step to stop overthinking is a distraction.
Distraction means purposefully steering your attention to pleasant or neutral things, away from your negative thoughts.
You can distract yourself by physically getting up from and leaving the place you’re in. You can distract yourself mentally by starting something that engages your mind
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2. Mindfulness:
Mindfulness practice has been shown to stop overthinking. Mindfulness doesn’t attempt to suppress or cut down disturbing thoughts. It rather trains the mind to accept the thoughts without judging them and let them come and go.
3. Physical activity:
Playing a sport or walking can release your anxiety through sweat. And you will be refreshed and relieved. Physical activities give you the confidence of a sort which keeps you motivated.
4. Reading:
Try reading a book that enhances self-help and self-growth. Books can literally set you a different vision for life which gives a list of chapters with examples for nurturing the mind.
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This write-up has been submitted by Abdullah Qamar. He can be reached at @AbdullahQamarr (on Twitter).
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