Importance of extra-curricular activities in Education

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In today’s society, there is a lot of pressure for kids to be competitive in all aspects of their lives. In the last few decades, this has been heavily focused on academics and standardized testing. While many parents see academic success as a measure of how well they are parenting, we need to focus more on what else our children can do outside the classroom.

This blog post will explore why extra-curricular activities in education are so important and how we can help promote these through our own efforts at home and school.

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Some examples curricular activities in education;

Student Government

A student government association (SGA) is a group that represents students at their school or university for some reason such as activism or advocacy on behalf of those students.

• The SGA typically meets during lunchtime every day at the high schools and colleges we attend.

• It gives us a chance to discuss issues among ourselves and give input about what we want our schools to offer us.

• Some common issues discussed by the SGA include: new policies

Academic Teams and Clubs

The extracurricular activities that students complete in school are important. The type of extracurricular activities a student participates in can help them get into college, and the better they do at their activity, the better chance they have of getting scholarships. Students need to take advantage of all the opportunities available to them!

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The Debate Team

Every year, the debate team participates in a number of extracurricular activities that are not required by their coach. These include going on a debate trip to Harvard University and hosting a tournament for other high school teams from around the country. A few debaters also participate in an international policy debate contest at Dartmouth College each semester.

The Arts

There is a wide range of extracurricular activities available to students in high school. One activity that has been growing in popularity is the arts. Art classes can teach skills such as dance, music, painting, and more. There are also clubs that meet outside of school hours when students can become involved with their favorite art form.

There are many benefits to participating in the arts during your high school years including the opportunity for self-expression and creativity, confidence-building, and social connection through collaboration with other artists.

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Culture Clubs

Culture Clubs are an important part of the school experience. They help students to bond with others who share their interests and learn more about different cultures. This year, we have started this club to introduce kids to other languages by learning how to say hello in different languages. We also enjoy dinners together where each student brings one dish from their home country that is typically eaten there at dinner time

The Student Newspaper

The best way to keep up with your university is through the student newspaper. They cover all the events and happenings on campus, so you don’t have to try and find out about them from other sources. The paper also covers interviews with professors and students in order to get a better idea of what it’s like at that school. Lastly, they often include reviews for upcoming concerts or theatre productions happening on campus!

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Volunteer Work and Community Service

There are many reasons why people volunteer and do community service. Some do it for the good feeling they get knowing that they made a difference in someone’s life or helped to create something new, while others enjoy meeting and working with new people. Whatever your reason is, doing volunteer work can be enjoyable if you know what you’re getting into.

Five tips to help you find activities your students want!

Importance of extra-curricular activities in Education | Baaghi TV

PHOTO: One way that adults can get more involved in student learning is by inviting other adults into conversations about student interests. Image Credit:

1. Ask your students what they like to do

As a teacher, one of the best ways to get to know your students is by asking them what they like to do. It’s also the perfect way for them to get comfortable speaking in front of the class! In this blog post, I’ll share some ideas about how you can use these “get-to-know” questions in your classroom.

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2. Try out different activities with the class before you make a commitment

I have been a teacher for 15 years now and one thing I’ve learned is that you don’t really know how it will go until you try. You might think that an activity will be perfect for your class, but then the students just aren’t into it, or they do it differently than expected. It’s important to try out different activities before making a commitment because not every lesson plan fits with each class.

3. Find out what activities your school or district offers

It’s always the same, every day. Get up early, go to school for 8 hours, come home and do homework until it’s time to sleep. It can be hard to find something new or engaging to do in your free time with all of this repetition. But don’t worry! We have compiled a list of activities that are offered by schools or districts near you, so you can find some things that will make your life more enjoyable outside of class too!

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4. Offer a variety of options for students to choose from

A student should never have to go through college without the opportunity of being able to choose their own major. College should be a time when students can explore different career paths and find out what they are passionate about. It’s important for students to know that there are many majors available, so even if they don’t know what they want to do with their life, it is still possible for them to succeed in college by choosing the right major.

5. Invite parents into the conversation about student interests and needs

How many times have you come home from a parent-teacher conference and said to your spouse, “This is really hard.” Parenting can be tough, and it gets even tougher when we’re trying to help our children with their school work.

It’s not always easy for kids to articulate what they need help with or how we should help them. And as parents, we may feel like we’re failing because we don’t know the right questions to ask or what information teachers are looking for. One way that adults can get more involved in student learning is by inviting other adults into conversations about student interests.

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Bottom Line

If you are looking for ways to engage your students, there are a number of activities that can be incorporated in the school day or after-school. It’s vital to find out what interests them and provide opportunities where they feel comfortable exploring their talents in an environment where they’re successful.

We have also created this list of extra-curricular activities that may work well for your needs! Check it out here if you need more ideas about how student government, academic teams and clubs, debate teams, art club culture clubs, volunteer work, and community service might benefit both teachers and students alike. Which one will be perfect for you?

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This write-up has been submitted by M. Asif Shahzad. He can be contacted on @theasifshahzad on Twitter.

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